Stephen Neil Gill

Under Construction


Cannabis Cannabis
Mother Nature's Worldly Brain Flower
Translating Mellifluous

Black Ice Tuesday

Once upon a time there was a tiny concrete park in midtown Manhattan. A massive sheet of silently flowing water scaled the entire North Wall.
Black Ice Tuesday, not a soul in sight. Summertime lawyers, accountatnts, and brokers were eating lunch squirreled away in butter toasty lush carpeted offices high above the insanely bitter bone chilling weather lurking one step beyond revolving glass doors.
Eager Beaver faced the H20 extravaganza absorbing random radiating glinting. In his left hand he deftly concealed a rosey quartz smoking piece in a black fleece lined glove. Fire flashed from his right ungloved hand. Eager procured several deep hits as the cold penetrated up Timberland boots and through his down coat sporting bright colorful images of animals and foliage.
Eager setting a quick pace managed to land at the Museum of Modern Art's door in under 10 minutes. He was excited as always in anxious anticipation to meet his loyal friend, New Idea. 

When I was 14 Years old I decided to try smoking.
Marlboro and Newport tobacco with tar and nicotine filters and blonde hash were the experiments.
Marlboro and Newport had the same effect dizzyness and naseau. On the other hand Blonde Hash had an inspirational euphoric and calming effect. My anxiety would completely dissapear after consupmsion.
At first I was totally baffled. Why would cigarettes a known cancer causing product be allowed to lawfully advertise on television and magazines and be sold to the general public while a benificial flowertop is deemed harmful and fevorishly promoted as such with severe penalties, arrest, prosecution, crusifiction in a jail cell and a criminal record for good measure.
Eventually I figured out that the monetary gains for several industries was so enormous and vast that not much could stop the lies, misinformation and persecution of cannabis users. The tobacco industry tops the list with infliciing damage to individuals and families that suffered from cancer. So many lives lost with broken families emotionally and financially destroyed. The health care industry, law enforcement, the judicial system, private jails and pharmacutical companies all benifitted from the persecution and are all complicit.